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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone! I am currently 20 years old but will be 21 by the time we launch for the world race. I grew up going to church my entire life but I did not truly accept Jesus into my heart until I was 13. I went to a church in Riner, VA where my faith grew so much and I began to love the Lord more and more. 


In November 2019 I was introduced to a new church by a dear friend of mine. God knew what I needed in my life when I was brought to this new church. There I stepped out in my faith more than ever. I thought I was good in my relationship with God, I read my Bible and prayed daily and thought that was the end of it for me really. I didn’t see or know the potential I could have through God and the work I could do for Him. At this new church I found myself deeper in God, deeper in who He is as our God. I found just how bold I could be in God when I took just one step further. 


Starting May of 2020 I was asked by a friend to fill in a spot on their worship team here and there. Come July 2020 I became a member of the Grace Point worship team playing electric bass and piano for them. I am also trying to learn how to play guitar as well. I found a way I could use my ability to play music for God in a way I never knew before. I never knew how much worship could mean to me until this point. Now It’s a big part of me and how I surrender to God.